Bottle 2844

Tossed: Found:

Time line ...

TossedJuly 28, 2017
NameFranchesca Hancock
LocationInto the ocean from Silverdale Newfoundland
FromCharlottetown Prince Edward Island
LivingSilverdale Newfoundland (week casted)
HobbyHockey, Taekwondo, Ringette, Crossfit, reading, writing, and more
Why Here?Holiday
Message: Hey. My name is Franchesca Hancock. I'm from Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Canada. I'm 14 and I am a goaltender in hockey as well as ringette, I'm really busy with school, taekwondo and other stuff. So, how are you? I understand any situations going through your family right now and I will try to stay away from it. So, how's life? Hope to hear from you soon. From your caster of the bottle, Franchesca Hancock July 28th 2017
FoundJuly 28, 2017
NameFranchesca Hancock
Locationcharlottetown Pei
Message: I found my own bottle