Bottle 5128

Tossed: Found:

Time line ...

TossedJuly 18, 2013
NameJamie & Haley Dawe
LocationA boat inbetween P.E.I and Nova Scotia in the Atlantic Ocean! We were on a boat called N.V confederation!
HobbyFigure skating, camping!
Why Here?Holiday
Message: Hello,we went on a family trip to P.E.I,and we decided to toss this bottle off the side of a boat!follow the instructions below and let us know if you found it!dont for get to keep the chain going!!
FoundAugust 13, 2013
NameRodney Bennett
LocationFelix Cove, NL
FromStephenville, NL
LivingFlat Bay East, NL
Hobbyhunting, fishing, woodworking
Why Here?work
Message: Found the bottle as I was walking up the beach doing Fishery Surveys.