Bottle 6112

Aug 27, 2013 | The owner of this bottle was one of 25 finalists in the Downhome and Universal Travel "Give the Gift of a Dream Cruise Vacation" Contest. If this bottle was the first one found, its owner would have won a dream cruise vacation. However, a few weeks after the bottle launch in Conception Bay, the bottle belonging to Cora Bennett - another finalist - was found and reported first. As a result, Cora wins the dream cruise vacation!
If you found this bottle: Please DO NOT toss it back in the ocean! Instead, call 1-888-588-6353 or email and explain that you've found this bottle (include bottle # and password). You may discard the message inside. We will issue you a new form so you may start your own "message in a bottle" journey. |
Time line ...
Tossed | July 26, 2013 |
Name | Gerard Connors |
Location | Conception Bay |
Why Here? | 0 |
Message: Gerard is one of 25 finalists in the Downhome and Universal Travel "Dream Cruise Giveaway" Contest. If this bottle is found before the other 24, Gerard wins a cruise! | |