Bottle 7097
Tossed: Found:Time line ...
Tossed | July 01, 2015 |
Name | Jack Laffy |
Location | This bottle was cast off a beautiful red sand beach on the waters of le Détroit de Northumberland Highway 14, RR #1 St. Louis, PEI C0B 1Zo Canada Cette bouteille a été jeté hors d'une belle pl |
Age | 11-20 |
From | Salem, Massachusetts, USA |
Living | Massachusetts, USA |
Hobby | Clarinet, Swimming, Sailing, Baseball, Skiing |
Why Here? | Holiday |
Message: Congratulations on finding my bottle! I am very excited to have someone find it. This bottle was cast from the coast off 11857 Highway 14, RR #1 St. Louis, PEI C0B 1Zo Canada Félicitations pour trouver ma bouteille ! Je suis très heureux d'avoir quelqu'un trouver. Cette bouteille a été jeté hors de la côte 11857 ​​Highway 14 , RR # 1 St. Louis , PEI C0B 1ZO Canada | |